I'm toying with the idea of moving my blog over to word press. Its partly due to the desire to change my blog name - when I started blogging my intention was to blog about beady things to do with The Little Bead shop - but as time has passed my blog has become more about me and my own work and focuses on things other than our shop. I think this is a good thing, and has been a natural blogging journey - but my blog name no longer feels like a good fit.
I'm tinkering about with my "other" blog, seeing if I can add my favorite gadgets! I'm having problems with that - so who knows maybe I'll stay put. One thing I cannot find to have on a word press blog is the followers box that you can see on the right hand side of my blog. I like it, and love seeing that I have a new follower every now and then. I'd miss it. I also cant add a box linking to my new favorite thing - the Face Book Art CLay Scotland Fan Page. But even so - there are some undeniable pulls towards the other side !
If you are a follower and actually do read my blog every now and then I'd love to hear your comments about following me over.
I have the same issue. I wish I'd just named my blog with my name, instead of "trying" to be more creative. But I hate to lose the Google stats as well as the followers. Would people move easily? Don't know.
I guess the truth is that changing the location of your blog and blog name is google suicide... but you know I'm begining to be a believer in if you build it they will come. If you are truely being you and expressing who you are, you will connect with your people, the people who want to know you and want to follow you.
I too am in the process of changing over to word press. I have moved all the posts over, then deleted them... I'm not sure what to do, but I do know I like word press.
All I can say is be really clear what you are doing and when you transfer. Those of us who are following will come back
- Julie
If it's got a RSS feed that would be cool, that's how I follow you. Just say the word and I can change the address. :D
Just tell your followers to follow you on the new one. I'm with what Julie M says.
I wanted to try Wordpress but I just can't seem to figure it out
Thanks for your views, I think that once I have played about with word press so its how I want it I'll move - its so rich in terms of its features. But I may go with my own name, that way no matter what it will still fit - seeing as its my name! Thanks for making me think about that Vickie!
I dont know how many of my "followers" actually follow me, but I dont think its too many. I'll do the RSS feed thing instead. Now saying all this I dont know where I'm going to find the time lol! I may still be here a while!
I'd definitely follow you!
I did the same thing with tinkering with my name and trying different blog services. I liked some features of wordpress, but I found myself back on blogspot for other features. I found I did lose followers, even just changing my name from glassbyjennifer to kannaglassstudios and still using blogspot. I gained some new ones and now I'm back to the number of followers before I switched. I switched from my name to my studio name. It's so hard to choose a name at the beginning when you don't know where you're going to end up!
I use my own blog to list the blogs I read and I read blogs by the latest post. The one thing I really like about blogspot IS the follower feature. I really like seeing who is following me, too... it gives me an idea of my audience and I've been able to develop content that is most relevant to my audience...which is other artists.
So...that was my experience in a nutshell...just let me know and I'll follow you over to your new blog!
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