Next weekends Working With Nature Metal Clay class gave me the perfect excuse this weekend to get out and about! Luckily enough we had beautiful weather here in Edinburgh and it made my job great fun!
Saturday was spent wondering around the beautiful
Royal Botanical Gardens. When we wandered into the stunning Glasshouses I felt like I was in one of the Harry Potter Movies about to take a class in Herbology! Its not possible to pick leaves here but I did find some nice bits of bark!

I also popped out to
South Queensferry to have a look for any interesting shells. This is the view from the little beach of the Road and Rail Bridges. Finally I made a little visit to Mr Woods Fossils in Edinburgh. I felt like a kid in a candy store surrounded by fossils millions and millions of years old! I bought a few have a bit of a soft spot for the ancient Trilobite. Here is a photo below of a few of the things I have collected this weekend - I'm looking forward to playing with these!
Hi Emma, I've just found my way to your blog (& flickr photostream) from the new follwers feature, and have added you to mine too. You've got some gorgeous creations, so I'll definietly be checking back. It's a while since I've been to Edinburgh but I love the city - I spent a number of my summers running Fringe venues, and although I'm now on the board for one of them it's been a while since I've actually been up. The Little Bead Shop is definitely another good reason for me to pull my finger out and get on a train next summer I think!
Ali x
Oh cool! Glad you found me. I spend far too long looking at all the blogs I follow. I just find them so interesting! Thanks for your kind words - you need to get yourself on that train :) Just dont forget to let me know when you come up :D
Emma x
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